OWASP SAMM v1.5 released

OWASP released OWASP SAMM v1.5!

OWASP SAMM v1.5 improves the granularity of scoring, allowing partial credit for achieving maturity benchmarks. This coupled with the matching scoring system, makes it easy to see maturity improvements from projects and initiatives on a dashboard. SAMM project co-lead Brian Glas notes, “One of the main benefits of the updated scoring model is that you can visibly see improvement to your maturity score on the dashboard as initiatives are completed.  This can go a long way in building support for your Application Security Program.”

Version 1.5 has enhanced explanations of the maturity model with worksheets and guidance containing example case studies which allows organizations not only understand where they are, but to understand what has worked (and hasn’t) for others in similar scenarios. This is a continuing effort with more improvements expected in v2.0. Join us to create the next release at the SAMM Working Sessions at the upcoming OWASP Summit near London in June 2017 (details: http://owaspsummit.org/Working-Sessions/OwaspSAMM/)

To learn more, visit https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SAMM

To read the press release, visit http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/owasp-samm-v15-helps-organizations-improve-their-security-posture-300439237.html

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